

Sometimes design just needs to be FUN. This website is bolstered by the fun and visually loud illustration work. It’s simple in execution but hard to do well and they pull it off. Love it.


Very Apple inspired layout and approach with this brand/design. I dig it. I also like the mega-nav approach as well.
Quantum Wallet

Quantum Wallet

Neat scroll interactions, I like the animations and how they’re triggered as you go down the page. Some technical things going on that could make it difficult to load for certain people, in the end though, it’s neat-enough.


Nice almost-single page layout. I like the detail work in the big graphics and the project grid layout a lot in this website design. It feels open and airy but not overly so, it comes across as being purposeful.
Opal Camera

Opal Camera

Very nice use of large imagery to tell a story. You immediately know what they’re about just by the image alone. I like the main nav and how it shows the sub-options but when you scroll they go away. Nice. Not wild about the gray on top of the image but it still...