
This website generally shares most of its layout style with a blog type layout. I do really like the main navigation in the header section and the static background image is a nice touch.

Luthier services

Submitted by Toby Powell, @tobypowell Designer & Developer. Hand crafted guitars and bespoke guitar services website, with a hand crafted feel. This is a great looking website, from top to bottom it’s just smooth. The background image works great with the...

14 Tracks

Submitted by Adeyemi Adeleye, @yemster Simple, compact and fresh way of discovering new music. Would be interesting to get your take on it. This is a really fun to use site because of all the bright colors and large icons. It’s easy to listen to the music or...


At first viewing I thought this site was just crazy and poorly designed. As I reviewed it in detail I realized just how well this site is put together. The underlying grid and graphics are well executed and everything on the site is just thoroughly consistent –...