Check out the latest iteration of the MailChimp website. I really like how it’s largely static, the main graphic that gets featured is the main story they want you to see. It could have been easily made into some sort of slide show, hurrah for holding back a...

This is the “Atlantis” website or page designed by Frank Chimero, a great design and my favorite of the three Lost World’s Fair pages. The playfulness of the deep diving elevator makes for some really great moments as you scroll down the page to get...

This is the “Moon” website or page from the Lost World’s Fairs website project designed by Jason Santa Maria. I love this design for “Moon”, the visual depth is really nice. I also love the movement as you scale your browser window down...

‘El Dorado’ is one of three pages for the Lost Worlds Fairs site by The Friends of Mighty. Because IE9 (Oh, the horror! (Just kidding (sort of…)) now supports the .woff font format they decided to explore the possibilities of type on the web. As...

The Lost World’s Fairs website and subsequent mini-sites or pages designed by some of the web’s top designers and developed by the awesome guys at Paravel. The reasoning behind this whole website is because IE9 now supports the .woff font format, so they...

Pretty cool single page website for a copywriter. I like the “pepperminted” concept and the light pink color for the two sections of the page. I’d love to see more depth in the site and some work samples, and that’s to be taken as a good thing...