Pixel Eyes

Pixel Eyes

Nice little details here, like the way the main nav scales down in size as you scroll down and then comes back as you scroll back up. Nice grid layout with some bold graphics and overlay interactions. This is our digital design agency website. I wanted to utilise all...
Brand Village AU

Brand Village AU

I know a lot of what makes up this site is trendy but I like it when someone takes something that’s used a lot and changes it up a bit. Like with the angular cuts to show the imagery as you scroll down, that’s a nice effect. Especially for those of us that...
Made By Block

Made By Block

Cleverly designed illustrations/animations as you make your way down the page. I like the little detail in how the main nav works with the hamburger icon vs. how the nav items load.
Mail Bakery

Mail Bakery

Really nice illustration work. It truly keeps me wanting to dig around more through the site’s content. I also like the little interaction animation stuff like when you resize the browser window and the main nav bar’s movement when you start...


Submitted by: David Guillory @builtbysource Role: Designer & Developer Fueled films has an amazingly bright feel for such a dark design. I like the theatrical photography and understated humor. I can tell that these people are in the business of entertainment....