by Gene Crawford | Nov 18, 2009 | Education, Gallery
This site/page inspires in both it’s layout and content. Gotta love that!
by Gene Crawford | Nov 6, 2009 | Education, Gallery
Submitted by Luca Bertaiola, @luglio7. Designer & Developer. An easy web aggregator for tutorials. Really great resource and a good design too. I like the multiple column layout and the colors in this design. It’s clean clear and succinct and I don’t...
by Gene Crawford | Oct 26, 2009 | Education, Gallery
Great illustration goes a long way on a website. I really like how it tells the story of the service right away. The colors are also “childlike” but not overly so. I like all the detail work on this site, the buttons and colors and little flourishes here...
by Gene Crawford | Oct 7, 2009 | Education, Environment, Gallery, Nonprofit
This site also has some nice openness to the design that leads to good visual rhythm as you make your way down the page’s content. The thing I really love most about this site is that the sub pages have all been given the same amount of thought and care as the...
by Gene Crawford | Oct 2, 2009 | Education, Gallery
Great looking website in general here. I love the animated effects, they are not over the top and are used really smartly. There’s a subtleness to the interactivity that’s engaging yet doesn’t beat you over the head at the same time. The sub pages...
by Gene Crawford | Sep 30, 2009 | Education, Gallery
This is a great design, I love the vertical rhythm to this home page. The way it goes from the big picture to the different sections as you scroll down the page going from light to dark, very nice. The tutoring search box in the center of the page is also a great move...