We don’t feature a lot of university websites on UMS, not sure why, maybe it’s that a lot of them are just huge and feel cumbersom to review. Not this one! I really like the header area of this website, the navigation is broken into three distinct sections...

Pretty straight-forward design. I like the way it harkens back to a time that dates with the main illustration/portrait of Darwin. They type supports this and is fun at the same time. The illustrations are all very nice and fitting as well as the coloring chosen. It...

I think this website has somewhat of a corporate undertone, with the use of blue and black and the clean tight lines/grid. It his quite well organized and really easy to get to what your seeking for. I quite like the design, it’s a nice blend of using whitespace...

Singapore Int. Foundation

Submitted by Emil Purugganan, @emilgp. XHTML/CSS guy. Website revamp for Singapore International Foundation done by I really like the four column layout in the top portion of this site design, it gives it a really unique feel. From there the site is...