

Super great simple layout that is close to that “apple” feel but kind of only uses it for the good stuff and then brings in it’s own good stuff. I really love how the page just keeps it simple and shows you the screens of the app, like BLAM there you...


Really stoked to see the new PetSafe site launched. @bold did all the #RWD and CMS — Noah Stokes (@motherfuton) May 15, 2013   Really great larger commercial example of a responsive solution working great. I particularly like how this site...


Squidee helps designers send PSDs to frontend developers. The aesthetic of this site is pretty nice. There’s a very clean use of shape and color which is balanced nicely with the amount and prominence of the type. I like the progression of content, and I dig the...
Pittsburgh Glass Center

Pittsburgh Glass Center

@beardedstudio shapes pixels into beautiful #RWD @pghglasscenter shapes sand into beautiful glass art. True reflection of both brands.— Michelle Leonette (@mleonette) February 26, 2013 That pretty much sums it up for me. The bold layout and colorful...


Gather is a neat little app that enables you to text message your MailChimp subscribers during events. The site is pretty straightforward and does its job communicating what the app is, however I wish there was a little more prominence given to the “Watch the...