
This site has it all. It’s beautifully designed, easy to use and technically impressive. The first thing you notice is the grid of triangles going down the page is that when you hover and click they smoothly transform into circles, each revealing data and links...


There’s a lot to like on this site. The big chiseled type logo is really well done. I also love the ‘back/next’ navigation links on the work pages. The monochrome color scheme works well too, and helps the large portfolio screenshots stand out. It...


Ryan Lottering’s personal site is nice, simple and does a good job of showing off his work. It took me a second to notice the subtle animation. It’s so subtle it’s almost an easter egg so I won’t spoil it for anybody reading this. Just go check...


I suppose there are a couple things to talk about here. First of all, Duet is a soon to be launched iPhone app, which from what I can gather, is some sort of intimate social network where can do ‘stuff’ with other people. Perhaps ‘Duet’ is a...


This site combines a rigid structure and clean lines with just enough texture to keep it from being too sterile. The site works well in that it’s easy to take in whether the user decides to scroll down the page manually or by using the navigation. For...