

Love the new(ish) Viget site design. The simple grid and the beautiful typography and photography really bring the focus to the content. These guys are top-notch in the industry, go check the website out in detail and learn what you can.
Jack Morgan

Jack Morgan

Portfolio for Jack Morgan designer at Google. Pretty good, minimal site design with some subtle interactions that really work. I love the stark design a good deal for this one.
Element Cycles

Element Cycles

Super strong layout for the Element Cycles website. I really dig the stark contrast but soft vibe. The nav is well done and simplified to make it quick to get to what you need. Strong video and product images too. From the Designer: We were really excited to work with...
Get Your Creative Diagnosis

Get Your Creative Diagnosis

Pretty nifty chatbot type interface. The way they’ve mixed it with the funny video in the background and the super solid layout that surrounds it makes it really sing. I dig this. From the Designer: Are you an Electric Witch, a Trucker, a Crazy Ex or a Fire...
Kennard Lilly Design

Kennard Lilly Design

I love the crazy colors and clear layout. It really makes this website explode with excitement. Solid work here. Submitted by: Kennard Lilly Twitter: @kennardlilly Role: Designer & Developer Country: United States