by Aaron Griswold | Jan 29, 2015 | Gallery, Portfolio
Good portfolio site from Paul VL out of Greece. Like the large fonts with white type on a different color palette than everyone else is using right now. Wish the work detail pieces were more than just a pop-up so you could see a little more of the quality of his work...
by Aaron Griswold | Jan 28, 2015 | Gallery, Portfolio
Yep – it’s good. Kevin Haag is out of Los Angeles, and his portfolio site is out of site. The opening animation / parallax that happens on scroll is pretty awesome. There are some sites that I feel that should have a soundtrack or background music (in your...
by Aaron Griswold | Jan 26, 2015 | Gallery, Portfolio
Maybe it’s because a lot of Pedor Gaspar’s work has something to do with fast cars, but this designer / art director out of Portugal’s portfolio site is sleek and shiny! Make sure you check out the Work detail pages, really has some kick (and good...
by Aaron Griswold | Dec 12, 2014 | Gallery, Portfolio
Make sure you check out the detail pages for Jon Contino’s (out of New York) portfolio – really sweet designs. I like the “Work” page too – faceted search so you get the idea of Jon’s strengths – and a hint of parallax (kind...
by Gene Crawford | Dec 11, 2014 | Gallery, Portfolio
I like quirky design and I extra like it when it’s working hand in hand with solid tried and true design techniques. Just like with Angra Maria’s portfolio site, beautiful work.