

A lot of what’s on here layout wise is standard fair but it looks really nicely put together. I believe this is a theme as well, but either way take in the design for what it’s worth. Solid layout overall.
Google Ventures

Google Ventures

Another stunning version of the Google Ventures website. I love the slight parallax on the main imagery paired with the overall minimalism. The new logo is quite nice as well.


Super cool scrolling image in the background of the site, turns out it’s the logo too. Pretty solid. I love the minimal yet engrossing vibe of the site. If only I could try this coldbrew!


Holy cow I love this. I love the interactions and the pieces that move around as you scroll. It feels quick to respond and looks pretty dang unique too. Definitely a memorable site design. Also, I want to go. 🙂


Some great photography set fixed in the background like this can go a long way for engagement. I also dig the first run animated fade in images down the page. Pretty strong layout. From the Designer: This beautiful site came to be after months of trial and error. We...