Rofikul Shahin

Rofikul Shahin

Really fresh looking site design. I like how things load for you the first time you scroll the site. I also like how he’s just upfront about what he does. It’s a niche but solid copy makes it easy to get into. From the Designer: A Front-end Developer based...
Archon Spas

Archon Spas

Cool design submission from Drew Bradley @ARCHON_SPAS. I dig the way the design utilizes photography as design elements moreso than just images. Nice work. I wanted to submit this design because it’s unusual for a day spa. Often spas and beauty salons are...


Man, beautiful moment when you first scroll down the home page for the Firewatch site. It’s enough to hook me into checking the game out. Okay guys, you won. I’m playing it.
Adam Haworth

Adam Haworth

Website designed for a personal travel and photography blog using the CloudCanvas platform. Submitted by: @lakewoodmedia Role: Designer & Developer Country: United Kingdom