by Gene Crawford | Dec 12, 2012 | Gallery
I can’t believe we didn’t review the 2012 Beercamp site so far this year. This site will not escape the gallery here on UMS. It’s a friggin’ pop-up book for crying out loud. Just marvel at it’s awesomeness and enjoy. Also, Monsters!
by Gene Crawford | Dec 7, 2012 | Gallery
Talk about a narrative driven website. This one is very nicely crafted with the animated illustrations and the timeline that slides in from the left and right telling the story of the wedding party. Lovely lovely website here.
by Gene Crawford | Oct 24, 2012 | Design Firm, Gallery
The thing about this site that excites me is the experience it builds as you scroll down. It just keeps making you want to see more and you’re kind of sad when you get the “FIN” part. I love the interactions designed in here and there, like on the...
by Gene Crawford | Oct 23, 2012 | Design Firm, Gallery
I like the clean yet dense design for the Zurb site. The little drop-dow stuff that’s linked up beside the logo is pretty smart. The plus leads to the close x, nice little animation too. I like putting that stuff there like that, it helps the message that they...
by Gene Crawford | Oct 1, 2012 | Gallery
Super rich design for STL Design Week. I love the way the icons are mixed into the design so smoothly. The page to page transitions are strikingly interesting visually speaking, they get a bit tedious if you’ve been to the site a few times however. Overall...