Chore Monster

Chore Monster

So kids hate chores and love monsters, so enter ChoreMonster. My first reaction to this was a snort and then wondering whatever happened to cash and/or spankings (I kid!). In my day… Anyway, aside from whether this product is a good idea or not, it really...
Mark Boulton Design

Mark Boulton Design

Looking over the newly redesigned (and responsive!) @markboultondsg, and really loving what I see:— Responsive Design (@RWD) February 8, 2013 New Mark Boulton Design website is lovely. I really enjoy the interactions most, the scroll and...
Silk Artificial

Silk Artificial

Nice ecommerce site design. I like the big sidebar nav that stays in place and the design changes as you get to smaller screens seem very reasonable and flexible. I like the rounded/circular images that gives it a very soft feel. Nice bold typography but not...
Tiny Big Studio

Tiny Big Studio

Beautiful clean and simple website. I love the hard corners and large(ish) type work. I really like how at first look the color palette looks limited but yet is very extended once you get into it. The animation in the footer area is nicely placed as well.
Fly Wheel

Fly Wheel

A very interesting design here with the Fly Wheel page. It’s basically a coming soon page but being so well executed it almost passes for a full on site. The illustration work and slight animation of the fixed nav and footer sections keeps it visually...