Fantasy AI

Fantasy AI

The Fantasy website(s) have always been pretty rad. Even back in the Flash days – they’ve continued this sort of approach here. I’m not normally a fan of the scroll (down) but get horizontal movement thing, but it somehow feels natural here. As...


Very nice layout with some very solid detail interaction work. I love the nav and how it minimizes as you scroll but let’s you play between scroll and back-to-top. The section in the middle that locks the page but slides up the detail screens is also very well...


Very cool animation and scrolling triggered animations. It’s one of the first i’ve seen that make sense to the page’s concept. Making it tie together with the copy is smart and makes me...
Steve Wolf Designs

Steve Wolf Designs

Love the grid here. The juxtaposition of the type and images is solid. I like the little “flitter” of the photo before it loads into it’s place on the grid, it’s subtle, not subtle, and always makes you take note of the element.