by Gene Crawford | Aug 4, 2016 | Design Firm, Gallery
Pretty sweet layout. Very unique too. I dig the detail work and the interactions here and there. Solid.
by Gene Crawford | May 5, 2016 | Gallery, Portfolio
Very, very fun website. From the skull to the interactions and page transitions this site is gold. Spend some time on it and you’ll see what I mean. Some great work in the portfolio too.
by Gene Crawford | Mar 23, 2016 | Gallery
Yep, scroll jacking, but get over it. 🙂 some beautiful screens to look at here and it works pretty well. Especially the main nav once you open it up, simple and to the point.
by Aaron Griswold | Feb 18, 2016 | Gallery
Good full-width agency work from Taikonauten out of Berlin. I like how they make the device images complement the page coloring – and show the devices in different views and states – smart for agency / portfolio work.
by Gene Crawford | Jan 21, 2016 | Gallery
Pretty cool background going on for the GID website. I also really like the interactions on the project images too. There’s definitely a non-standard approach to the design of this site and it’s what makes it memorable to me.