

Love the on-scroll and CSS animation on the TakeIt app site. Just a great "simple" site that get's the product / app's concept nailed down so a potential user get's it. Would be nice if more sites could do that... Happy Friday!   @takeitapp

Radar #102

Radar #102

In this week's 102nd Radar: The State of UX Design — thoughts on designing digital products in the year 2015 Perfecting a CSS 3D animation Comprehensive Guide: When to Use Em vs. Rem Epic Form & Input Field Design Trends 9 GIFs That Explain Responsive Design...



From time to time - we let sites on UMS that use themes - as long as they're modified - and not from a web design agency - and this one from Snap36 is pretty tight (and way different than the original theme). They are a custom photography (3D and 36o degree custom) -...

Domino’s Anyware

Domino’s Anyware

I wasn't sure whether to post this as a Gallery post, or a resource for Radar - either way - smart site from Domino's with Anyware that gives you instructions on how to use any of your devices and apps to order quickly (get it - not anywhere - anyware?). The site is...



I think the airbnb site continues to get better. We reviewed the site right after the redesign in July 2014. It was good then, and one of the first real sites to use use video backgrounds. Well, that continues, but they now have block and card designs that really...

BFI Player

BFI Player

This may be overload for your brain on British films - but the BFI (British Film Institute) Player is loaded with so many different directions to go, hi-res images from the films, themed categories of films, a map feature to show you where they were filmed, and 5...

Build Studio

Build Studio

Good agency site by Build Studio out of Calgary - good white space and general design. Like how they changed up the look of the project summaries from the Home page to the Work page. Really like the work they did on the Wisconsin Film Festival site too.  ...

Ghostly Ferns

Ghostly Ferns

Like this site from Ghostly Ferns out of Brooklyn - a design studio, made up of freelancers. It's fun and has depth with the shapes / illustrations / patterns. What I really like is the link off to each one of the freelancer's work sites - that are similar, but...

Vito Salvatore

Vito Salvatore

Nice portfolio site from Vito Salvatore out of London. Love the big images and especially love the iconography on the "About Me" section - kind of wish there was more. Submitted and reviewed before in 2012...   @vitosalvatore



Gyroscope is an app that I definitely want for my personal life (to track absolutely everything I do) - but their website (out of San Francisco) is pretty good on its own too. Think the 3d breakapart / breakout .js that some developers are using is pretty cool (used...



SuperFriendly out of Philadelphia is Dan Mall's (@danielmall) group - good people - great designers (great people too, who am I kidding). First thing I noticed was that the site renders left to right instead of top to bottom. Love how the site is super-simple - big...

Cihad Turhan

Cihad Turhan

Some unique portfolio / dev work from Cihad Turhan out of Turkey. In his mobile version of the site, he says that the entire site is really one big .js file (that you can download). Love the Works section (and the 3D Works themselves). The whole site is a cool mix...

Kristof Van Espen

Kristof Van Espen

Really likeBelgium's Kristof Van Espen's work - one his portfolio site, and especially the client work - and the details he provides on it. Pretty good, clean and simple UIs and what looks to be good UX too. Was listening to a podcast on hiring designers - and the...

Two Times Elliott

Two Times Elliott

Good start to the week with Two Times Elliott out of London. Like the mixing up of the different client work images as you go down the page. I'm a little hesitant on the 2 x's that are on the page that you just seem to click on to make them disappear - but once I got...



We wanted to show you FontShop today - kind of a hybrid Gallery post / Radar-like resource, by Monotype. Like the different feel of the site based on the colors and the general layout - and actually, you can change the theme color (once you get to the detail pages)....

Radar #101

Radar #101

In this week's 101st Radar: The 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates’ Logos, Ranked DRUNK USER TESTING Apple: UI Design Do’s and Don’ts How to Integrate SEO Elements to Move Beyond Responsive Creating Realistic Text with CSS An Inside Look at Facebook’s Approach to...

Giovanni Ghirardi

Giovanni Ghirardi

Giovanni Ghirardi portfolio site, out of Veriona, Italy, has some cool, avant garde stylings. Love how the honeycomb selfie is used with the tilted rectangle to give some real texture above the fold. Also like the hamburger drawer that comes down from the top.  ...

Neutron Creative

Neutron Creative

Yes - I was the one that approved the Neutron Creative site out of Raleigh, NC. Some of you may ask "why?" - because it's a big picture and some text. The reason: I think with some agency sites, we get too wrapped up in trying to show off every trick and new thingy in...

Dice Sales

Dice Sales

This is a solid and quick portfolio site from Dice Sales out of Christchurch, NZ. I like the integration of the background photography to the Recent Works section - he's a designer and photographer, so cool to show off both types of work. I think I also like the fact...

Big Drop Inc

Big Drop Inc

Big Drop, out of New York - their biggest strength on the site is the eye popping photography of real things, and how they stand out on the page. Also really like the "Request a Quote" banner (top right) and the surprise movement you get with it. @bigdropinc



Like the look of the new LSU (Louisiana State University) website. Not wild about the colors... because I'm a U of South Carolina fan... so discount what I just said - the those are school colors, and look good for the site 🙂 Think it's interesting how it starts to...

Partners for Our Children

Partners for Our Children

Partners for Our Children is one of those sites that has great purpose, yet may not be seen as 'cool'. Being in public service or government related areas sometimes makes organizations think they are alleviated from the 'burden' of good design, but we have seen many...

Grimm Brothers Brew House

Grimm Brothers Brew House

I love just about everything on this website. I luuuurve the illustration work for the bottle labels. On the site itself I really dig the simple layout and colors, I especially like the fly out illustrations as you scroll down too. Now, if I could only try one of...



Finally - really good state government website for New York (I hear RFPs being typed out for other states as you read... well we can dream right?) Great organization and really visually established sections. I'm curious about the billboard, cardish design slider -...



I'm a quote person - have them delivered daily to my interweb mail portal. The Quotarty looks pretty fun - looks like a very updated and organized quote site, compared to the normal, spammy, 1996 quote sites that, well have been around since 1996 (yes there are ads on...

The Nation

The Nation

We've seen a lot of "newspaper / magazine" type site launches this year - and cool to see America's oldest weekly magazine do the same. Like the top story categories at the top of the page (think they change as big issues do). Really like the feel and flow of the main...

My Car Does What

My Car Does What

Pretty cool site from the National Safety Council, called My Car Does What?: "MyCarDoesWhat.org is a national campaign to help educate drivers on new vehicle safety technologies designed to help prevent crashes. These technologies range from increasing the stability...

Radar #100

Radar #100

In this week's 100th Radar (yay us): Safari is the new IE What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things? Stop Sprinkling Emotion, Start Creating Magic and Meaning Market - Best Tools for Everyone Style Guides Every Startup Should See in the...

Studio D

Studio D

Really like this Studio D Photographers site out of Canada. A lot of moving parts through out the site and the blog - and I think it's playing off of a newer color trend (red, black, off-white so we can start to get away from teal and magenta..). Very cool to see that...