El Burro Oslo

El Burro Oslo

Tacos in Oslo.. yep. When I lived in Australia, getting Mexican food was always hit or miss - so hope El Burro's food is as good as their website. BTW - this is a great one-pager for a restaurant (which we've said before... restaurant websites usually stink). I'm not...

This Also

This Also

Awesome site from This Also out of Brooklyn. Great home page with video background - great use of navigation that is hamburger, but it's not - and great way of each page always leading back to the home page, but it's also the footer, that's the home page... cool.

Leandro Lima

Leandro Lima

Leandro Lima, out of Barcelona has some great work highlighted here - especially the illustration side of the site. I also like the look and motion of the hamburger drawer on the left.

Original Territory

Original Territory

Love the texture that's woven into this site - both fore- and background, for Original Territory Brand Dog Co out of White Plains, NY. Cool little icon work on the nav too.



This studio / agency site for Swink out of Wisconsin is pretty sweet. We're rebuilding our client services site - and this is great inspiration (we won't steal, we promise). Love the font work and letterpress style of the site.

Elm Coffee Roasters

Elm Coffee Roasters

As I was setting up the review for Elm Coffee Roasters out of Seattle - I found myself stopping, and going to get coffee at least twice... I guess the marketing is working. Great design - clean and simple, with video background on top - excellent!

Radar #120

Radar #120

Each week, we do a round up of curated "stuff from the interwebs" that we call Radar. In this week's 120th Radar: How to Sell Without Selling Freelancers are β€” first and foremost β€” salespeople. ConvergeSE 2016 Call For Speakers We’re looking for some really great...

Right Colours

Right Colours

Quick, clean agency site from rightcolours out of Frankfurt, Germany. I wish it was responsive, but I like the big images on each page.



I love the speed of the Oyyo website out of Stockholm. The transitions are quick, and the site is neat and simple.

Salt Films

Salt Films

Very unique way to interact with the website, i'm 50/50 on liking it or what. I do think it's very memorable and probably converts clients very well.

Integrated Podiatry

Integrated Podiatry

Super rad website for a Podiatry clinic. You just don't see this type of design being brought to client's like these. Superb work on making something mundane feel really hip and new.



I love the dark field with the geometric shapes art. Pretty snazzy stuff. I really dig the way the content is blocked out on the home page too. I've never seen something like they're doing with the "call our account director" content block before either, that seems...

Digital Kitchen

Digital Kitchen

If you like lavish visuals and solid yet simple typography then the DK site is for you. It's chock full of custom videography and really is a clinic for us all to see how to use it within a web page. Solid work and really solid website for this digital firm. (This is...



Nice grid based layout for Firmalt. I like the Masonry like treatment of the main image blocks as you scroll down the page and shift screen sizes. Nice solid simple layout always wins!



Holy hell I love this site design. The way the main hero area/image merges into the main site is brilliantly done. Then the rest of the layout is invigorating. Do me a favor, just spend some time on this site and tell me what you think!



Holy cow I love this. I love the interactions and the pieces that move around as you scroll. It feels quick to respond and looks pretty dang unique too. Definitely a memorable site design. Also, I want to go. πŸ™‚

Crafting Positive Change

Crafting Positive Change

At first this site design looks fairly classic in its layout. I dig the smaller changes to it in that respect. Some good looking graphic devices to help communicate what he does is smart. I also dig the colors. From the Designer: Hi, I’m Rodrigo Seoane. I'm a creative...



Some great photography set fixed in the background like this can go a long way for engagement. I also dig the first run animated fade in images down the page. Pretty strong layout. From the Designer: This beautiful site came to be after months of trial and error. We...



Really nice type based design to get you excited. I love the simplicity and the centered text layout too. Beautiful typography FTW!

Radar #119

Radar #119

In this week's 119th Radar: Driving the Experience: Motion Graphics for UI Animation is no longer solely limited to promoting B movies on Flash websites. Rather, animation is quickly assuming a useful and important role in user experiences. Now, users can rely on...

Webstock 16

Webstock 16

Pretty rad layout for Webstock 16. I really love the main image area and how it moves with my mouse movements. It really gives it some visual depth and fun. I also like the typography of the speakers list on the home page. Dig this, and dig the event! Super stoked...

The Careers of the Founders

The Careers of the Founders

Design-wise - it's cool - but as a success and leadership buff - freakin love this infographic of "The Careers of the Founders", done by Fleximize out of London. Looks really good in mobile btw. Love to see the utter failures that eventually lead to success - that's...

Adriatic Luxury Hotels

Adriatic Luxury Hotels

Great 1-pager case study by Degordian out of Croatia for a site they did for a group of hotels in Dubrovnik. Love the movement as you scroll down, how the transitions vary. The view on mobile (check your phone - device detection) is really good too. Good stuff.

Viljami Salminen

Viljami Salminen

Many designers skip straight to their Work on their portfolios, and the art of the Blog is been pushed to the background. So I like how Viljami Salminen's portfolio site does the opposite. Sometimes - if you have good posts - this can be a more effective self-branding...



Slider / carousels are dead right? Not if they are done well, with a dash of novelty - like in this agency site by Digiti out of Belgium and New York. (as an aside, I've noticed a lot of good development work on websites out of Belgium this year) I admit, I get a...

Bryn Taylor

Bryn Taylor

Great, bright, wonderful contrast on this portfolio site by Bryn Taylor. Think the Work pieces flow great. Simple and clean - great way to present your work! From the Designer: The brand new portfolio of London-based digital designer, Bryn Taylor. A vibrant and...



At first glance I felt like this site design was for an architecture or law firm or maybe some kind of financial consulting company, but it's a dentist. It's beautiful and feels very modern, like modern architecture does. I love the interactions and the asymmetrical...

Julien Renvoye

Julien Renvoye

What a beautiful yet simple website to show off your work. Julien Renvoy's portfolio site hits on all the right notes to make me swoon a little bit. I love the dark colors and little animated interaction details. This is what it's supposed to be! πŸ™‚



Beautiful design, I love the typography especially. It's a super long page but the different sections' design makes you keep scrolling, which is the brilliant part to this design. Then the detail work, like the "time to read" mouse over is so cool.



What a great vibe this site design gives off. I love the structured yet disparate looking sections. The way the logo overlaps the scrolling content is visually intriguing as well. Strong stuff.