Diocese of El Paso

Diocese of El Paso

Big design here. I dig website projects like this one. Typically plenty of pages to get some good IA work out of it and enough design problems to solve to get all the content bubbled up to the home page. Love this design result here very much. From the Designer: We...

Rofikul Shahin

Rofikul Shahin

Really fresh looking site design. I like how things load for you the first time you scroll the site. I also like how he's just upfront about what he does. It's a niche but solid copy makes it easy to get into. From the Designer: A Front-end Developer based in...

Archon Spas

Archon Spas

Cool design submission from Drew Bradley @ARCHON_SPAS. I dig the way the design utilizes photography as design elements moreso than just images. Nice work. I wanted to submit this design because it's unusual for a day spa. Often spas and beauty salons are targeted...



Man, beautiful moment when you first scroll down the home page for the Firewatch site. It's enough to hook me into checking the game out. Okay guys, you won. I'm playing it.

Leading Design Conf

Leading Design Conf

Cool looking design and layout for Leading Design Conf. A new one from ClearLeft and @adactio. Wish I could go.



Lots of crazy detail work for the Relate site by InVision. Beautiful work for what i'm sure is a super cool app.



On the surface the layout for Aumcore has that familiar bootstrap vibe. But there's plenty of custom elements, like the form fields and the way the images are used. Solid either way. Love it. From the Designer: Aumcore is a leading NYC Digital Marketing Agency...

Adam Haworth

Adam Haworth

Website designed for a personal travel and photography blog using the CloudCanvas platform. Submitted by: @lakewoodmedia Role: Designer & Developer Country: United Kingdom

Cameron McNab

Cameron McNab

Not much to the site technically but this personal site for Cameron McNab is actually pretty cool. Minimal in it's design approach but cool in it's color shift affect. Pretty nifty idea. From the Designer: A simple take on my personal portfolio. Fully responsive,...

Creative Cruise

Creative Cruise

Really creative approach to a website layout. Very fun and interactive, but for a purpose which gives it a big thumbs up in my book.



Just a solid straight forward website design. Everything is placed just right and works like it should. It's beautiful visually and has strong color usage and branding. Just good work that deserves a second look.

Cafe Frida

Cafe Frida

The first thing that hits you is the interaction with the hero area. Flowing the leaves back out of the way draws you in quickly and beautifully. Then as you scroll down you see the clever image use and the way the drop out's are used is quite nice. Really beautiful...

Alec Ortega

Alec Ortega

Damn, that's a solid site design for Alec Ortega's portfolio site. It feels like a product site design, really helps show off his skills in line with your viewing of his work. So solid.



I can really appreciate the simple approach to this site design. Just big bold areas of content and imagery. I love the way the interaction on the main nav works. Graying out the nav items that you're not mousing on. Good thinking there on the UI.

GO Digital

GO Digital

There is an awful lot going on with this site design for GO Digital. They handle a ton of content and links pretty well visually. I dig some of the interactions and that classic drop down nav just works for all the content. Solid IA under the hood it looks like.



Really beautiful and simple site for a really beautiful and simple idea. I dig this idea and I dig the design approach to the website. Show's you how the app looks and works in context in a website layout that's easy to scroll and take in. Good work.

fable & Co

fable & Co

The first thing I see when I check this site out is the use of typography within the imagery. Very cool. I also love the use of color being minimal and only on instances where work is being shown off. Good stuff, subtle design. Bravo.



Really strong visuals and movement. Just enough and just tight enough to make you take a second gander. I dig the menu design/interaction too. Solid work through and through.

Cosme Faé

Cosme Faé

I like the dark background used here, the typography in the top portion of the page is solid too. Haven't seen that in a bit, that mixed withe the asymmetrical intro of all the images makes for a cool vibe. Thorough case study pages give you plenty of great content to...

Fixx Digital

Fixx Digital

I really like the use of the product imagery and the typography. Super cool look and feel. There's a good bit going on visually here, including the changes to the design as you scale down the window to fit smaller screens. Solid work here. From the Designer: Fixx...



Cool interaction as you scroll the page. The way it moves from top to bottom is fresh. I also like the offset copy placement. Good looking design here.

Heidi Pun

Heidi Pun

Pretty cool custom personal site. I dig the black and white and the three column basic approach. Very cool and simple.



I love, love, love this layout. I love the way the images load and the way they are spaced, etc... brilliant site design harbr!

dunlop builders

dunlop builders

Beautiful photos for dunlop builders. I really like that hamburger nav and placement, especially with the blue circle that helps draw your eye to it. Then when you click it it enlarges, pretty cool.

Right Colours

Right Colours

Clever hero image and I love the bright colors. Very strong and simple visuals help guide you to understand what these guys do, bravo. It's harder to do than you'd think, right?

Charles Milnes

Charles Milnes

Pretty stellar "page load/scroll" animation work. I dig the color palette for this site too. Really clever looking work.



I like the 1/2 way corporate and 1/2 way trendy feel to the site for WhiteHall. Great typography and some good photography make the site shine to me.

Field Notes

Field Notes

It's been a long time coming! New design for Field Notes. Man, I love me some field notes for sure! I really dig the site navigation/architecture. Jamming all that extra stuff under "more" is pretty clever. I also really love the way the "quick view" on the product...

Collected Coffee

Collected Coffee

I love the delicate approach to this design. From the typography to the way the illustrations are done and objects are placed on the page. Beautiful comes to mind.