Due to some instances I will not be able to fully take care of Unmatched Style for an undefined amount of time, in fact you might have already noticed the slacking the last 2 weeks. However, thanks to my friends in the 9rules Network I have managed to find some authors that will be able to pick up the slack while I’m missing in action. I won’t be totally gone and when I do have a chance I might post and keep an eye on the guys to make sure they haven’t turned Unmatched Style into Unmatched Girls Gone Wild (I’m looking at one guy while I say that too).
So without further delay I am proud to announce that some of the most worthy people to do this job, and they are in no particular order: James Archer, Bryan Veloso, Khaled Abou Alfa, William Peng, Phu Ly and some Paul “Scrivs” Scrivens guy (I don’t know, never heard of him either, snuck in under the radar; apparently he has experience with this).
So it should be exciting to see what these guys come up with. And I would like to thank all of them for extending their services while I feel I am not fully capable of performing my duties. Once again, I’ll be lurking around; you might even see me commenting on one of these fellows entries. Thanks and treat these guys good, because I owe them a lot.
I hope it is nothing too serious keeping you away and that you will be able to return soon. Your recent endorsement of my site really got me up and started again after my period of absence.
So I hope all is well and that those guys take good care of unmatched style (would not worry to much about that though – thanks a lot to you and until later!
Well since you never heard of me I know you were talking about me with the Girls Gone Wild reference.
Alex — I’m not sure how long this will take me. Could be 3 days could be several weeks. Just some factors in my life that I need to work out. The reasoning I am taking my absence is because is a fear of letting my current personal life affect the way I write, in addition I would like to focus more time on solving this situation as opposed to ignoring it.
I wouldn’t be doing this if I stepped on a tack or something stupid; it’s really important to my life and things need to be straightened out before I feel I can do my best here on Unmatched Style.
Scrivs — I’m not saying that you like Girls, or Going Wild…I’m just saying that you like when the two come together. But I do really thank you for stepping in. I know its going to be bittersweet for you. Great because you get to revisit the days of the Vault and bad because you get to revisit the days of the Vault. Nevertheless I appreciate you and everyone else for helping out right now.
Any updates?