All About Responsive Design – Ep.80

The 80th installment of the UnmatchedStyle video podcast series is chock full of Responsive Website Design goodies. It’s something we are constantly struggling to master here at UMS and we think about it all the time. We put down some of our thoughts and adventures together for you in this video. We hope you enjoy it and get something out it like we did making it.

Dave Rupert

We always attend the Front End Design Conference in St. Petersburg, Flordia – Nope we don’t miss it! this year Giovanni sat down with Dave Rupert (@davatron5000) of Paravel to talk about what made them adopt Responsive Web Design into their process and how they started out hating it but learned to embrace change and fall in love with it.

Navigation Design on Mobile Websites

Giovanni (@giodif) takes a look at how he looks at the design for a navigation on a mobile website. Sketching and wireframing in a quick and intuitive approach.

Responsive Website Reviews

Wrap Up & News


Giovanni and Gene are speaking at RefreshDC for a design double header on September 20th.

Web Afternoon & BizCraft

Both Giovanni and Gene are speaking at Web Afternoon Charlotte on September 22nd along with fellow BizCraft podcaster Carl Smith. Speaking of which, we’ll be doing a live recording of the BizCraft show at 11:00 am, just before the full Web Afternoon event kicks-off.

Other conferences we’ll be at either speaking or attending are:

Remix South Atlanta October 19th – 20th

Future of Web Design – New York City October 22nd – 24th


  1. Francesco

    All About Responsive Design

  2. Wordpress Developer Sydney

    Starsbucks website is really really awesome. Its one of the best I have seen till this date. Simple good looking and very user friendly



  1. Lately, in Web Design… - [...] 80 of the video podcast Unmatched Style is up with lots and lots of RWD [...]

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