by Gene Crawford | Jul 7, 2010 | Podcast, UMS Video Podcast
In this episode of the UMS podcast Matthew Smith (@squaredeye) of Squared Eye and gives us the spill (sorry that was supposed to be a beer pun…) on why beer has been so influential on his design career and we also talk about how the work on...
by Gene Crawford | Jun 8, 2010 | Podcast, UMS Video Podcast
The “call to action” on your website is possibly the most important focus point you should design for. A “call to action” is something on your website that compels or helps a visitor to take an action. It’s not too tricky, it’s all...
by Gene Crawford | May 18, 2010 | Podcast, UMS Video Podcast
Jay and I discuss Thinking for a Living ( It’s a beautifully designed website, we just had a few issues we wanted to discuss with the interactions on the site. Largely we talked about the copy columns, how you have to continually move the...
by Gene Crawford | May 10, 2010 | Podcast, UMS Video Podcast
We look at Harmony Republic ( in detail in this podcast. We both like the design, the use of texture is really great and the layout is interesting. The thing I like most about the design is the typography, I love the font pairings made here. Our...
by Gene Crawford | Apr 28, 2010 | Podcast, UMS Video Podcast design project discussion with the client Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine and the designer Andy Clarke (@cowshedstudio) of and creator of Hard Boiled Web Design. We started off discussing the reasons behind why Wladimir chose Andy to be...
by Gene Crawford | Apr 13, 2010 | News, Podcast, UMS Video Podcast
Jason Johnson gives us a great presentation on the “care and feeding of a developer”. Be sure to follow him on twitter: @jason_johnson. You can watch the video above or read the full transcript below, the video is much better but sometimes words are nice...