Nick Pettit – Episode 52

This episode is a month or so out of date, the (@DoctypeTV) guys have since come back from their short break to bring us even better episodes of their video podcast. But we’d like you to meet Nick (@nickrp) and the podcast if you...

Larissa Meek – Episode 51

While at Front End Conf in Tampa Florida Giovanni was able to talk creativity and brainstorming with Larissa Meek (@larissameek). She really opened our eyes on how to run a successful creative meeting and we’ll be employing many of her techniques as we delve...

Sarah Parmenter – Episode 49

In this Episode of the UMS podcast Giovanni talks with Sarah Parmenter (@sazzy) about designing for the iPhone. Giovanni Defeterici: Hey, this is Giovanni with Unmatched Style and we are talking to Sarah Parmenter about UI design for the iPhone. So we were...

Design Panel – Episode 48

When we had our ConvergeSE conference earlier in June of this year we talked a few of our favorite web designers/developers into being on a panel for us and answer a few questions about how they’re using HTML5/CSS3, their business and then took some questions...

Niki Brown – Episode 47

While at the Front End Design Conference we talked with Niki Brown (@nikibrown) about her talk “Design is in the details”. There are some real gems here from Niki, thinking about keeping the “big picture” in mind while you design and analyzing...