Emily Lewis: Microformats & Stuff

Why are Microformats important? Microformats allow us to describe our content in ways that machines/apps can recognize and interact with it. For example, on your iPhone, a phone number can be clickable and will dial up the number without you having to type it in....

Dave McFarland: jQuery Stuff

While at the 2011 InControl Conference in Orlando, FL I sat down with Dave McFarland who was there giving a workshop on jQuery. We all use jQuery or at least have tinkered with it so I just had to ask him a bunch of stuff about what he thinks about it and why...

Jenn Downs: Mailchimp Usability Test

This week’s podcast (which is episode 67) features Jenn Downs (@BeParticular) from Mailchimp who came by the UnmatchedStyle office last month to do a remote usability study with Julia (@blueys). We held her hostage asked her if she would do an interview with us...