I love to see a website like this where it’s showing off just a ton of information and utilizes basics like size of images and density of content. It’s subtle here, the main column has large(ish) picture and a brief on each feature while the far right...

Really fun looking site as travel sites go. It’s one of my favorites. I really like the detail work on the drop down navigation and the extra details here and there like over the “charleston explorers” navigation item. The photos are worked in nicely...

A bit past the season, but hey I just saw this. Lovely example of how you can create a nice little interactive experience, sell the holiday and not go overboard with animations. The simple slideshow like interactions are just enough to get you clicking around. The...

Super nice design, I love the vibe of this site. It has a nice relaxed feel yet the structure and organization of the content is solid and easy to grasp. The illustrative feel also lends very well to the food related content and makes you think of fun (at least when I...

Submitted by: Todd Sullivan (@globetrooper) Role: Developer Globetropoer is a social travel platform for people to find travel partners for global adventures and expeditions. Each trip has its own home page where interested users can discuss the itinerary and decide...

Submitted by: Bob Galmarini (@ehousestudio) Role: Designer & Developer Lots of fun doing this one. Beautiful photography and a very cool field guide section. Developed by {e}house studio and KennyMeyers Huge images with super sharp photography, that’s what...