

There’s a ton going on visually with this website. I’m not wild about the loading image and having to wait and/or click like that, but once you load it up you’re given a show. I love the background imagery/animation and how the mouse interacts with...


Super cool “Swiss” feeling grid work here. It’s not quite “Swiss” but it’s close enough to make me do a mental call back to it. I love it so much!
Klad Syndicate

Klad Syndicate

Website of Klad, an interdimensional design syndicate providing comprehensive long-lasting solutions for people. We help inspire, envision, create, launch, support and reimagine. We provide only original solutions that we treat as art, and every digital art piece...


Art4Web has a neat parallax header, which looks impressive. The rest of the design is pretty straightforward, using stripes to organize text and images, with some nice animations for extra flair. It’s simple but gets the job done.