

This website was designed using Figma for design and developed on Webflow. Our primary goal was to showcase our work and let it speak for itself. We achieved this by presenting our portfolio across multiple sections of the site with fun micro-interactions, ensuring...


This website design just radiates it’s boldness with the bubblegum pink coloring. This audacious choice of color scheme not only catches the eye but also injects a sense of vibrancy and creativity into the digital space. Furthermore, the multicolored screen...


Few is a company that makes websites for important clients. Their website is cool and colorful with bright colors that change. They talk about how they work as a team. Everything on their website is important and isn’t there unless it’s necessary. It tells...


Huge has been around a long time, there’s probably at least 5 or more other submissions for this one in the gallery here. Never disappoints.


What’s really cool about this design is the use of 90s-style pixelated fonts and the decorative grid. These elements give us a glimpse into the careful planning that goes into creating their sleek designs. It’s like a mix of old-school charm and modern...
Sketch Studios

Sketch Studios

A new website for Sketch Studios built in Craft CMS: A workplace and furniture consultancy that creates inspiring environments that embody their client’s values and aspirations through sustainable, transformative change.