

Bitesized has ingeniously crafted a website, cleverly themed around the world of fast food. The concept is brilliantly executed, featuring a striking color palette that resonates with the fast food industry, along with impeccable use of display typefaces that capture...
Robin Mastromarino

Robin Mastromarino

Robin Mastromarino, an interface designer deeply intrigued by user interaction, crafts a site with a playful ambiance. Projects are ingeniously presented on a clickable wheel, and the seamless transition upon clicking a project, where the header image straightens...


Locomotive adopts a minimalist brutalist aesthetic for its portfolio, yet it infuses the design with engaging elements, such as animated interactions and image pixelations, which enhance the visitor’s experience.
Steve Wolf Designs

Steve Wolf Designs

Love the grid here. The juxtaposition of the type and images is solid. I like the little “flitter” of the photo before it loads into it’s place on the grid, it’s subtle, not subtle, and always makes you take note of the element.
Tux Karma

Tux Karma

Tux Karma, an initiative by creative agency Tux, is dedicated to championing projects focused on social and climate justice. The website features a bold design, marked by vibrant, fluid backgrounds, and an array of distinct typefaces. Additionally, it incorporates...