Big bunch of updates

The UMS crew has a few things to tell you about. From conferences, a new book, live podcasts and several speaking gigs.

Remix South 2012

I’m excited to introduce you to Remix South, a 2 Day, 5 Tracks, 26 Sessions, 5 Workshops, long learning experience that is bringing together designers, developers and the startup community.

Mat Marquis on The NBSP Show

This episode’s guest is Mat Marquis from The Filament Group and is hosted by Christopher Schmitt and Dave McFarland.

jQuery Picture

A review of jQuery Picture. A jQuery plugin to help ease the transition to responsive images.

Draft Episode 03: Art Direction

Draft is a podcast about the craft of designing for the web, in this episode we discuss the role of the Art Director. Featuring Giovanni DiFeterici and Gene Crawford.

Pushing the Creative Boundaries with Canvas

Ian James Cox recently redesigned his website and did some interesting things with Canvas, in this article he explains his approach and how he successfully worked it into his plans.

UMS Book Club: Ethan Marcotte

Join us August 24th at 2:00 for a live discussion with “Responsive Web Design” author Ethan Marcotte, it’s a members only thing so make sure and get signed up.

Draft Episode 02: What does a “designer” do?

Draft is a podcast about the craft of designing for the web, in this episode we explore what a designer does. Dissecting a quote by Dr. Don Norman. Featuring Giovanni DiFeterici and Gene Crawford.