Do you love JavaScript?

JavaScript and Mobile JavaScript Summits

We love JavaScript here at UnmatchedStyle and we’re also lucky to call those fine people at Environments for Humans our friends. They’ve agreed to let us give away a pass to each event to one lucky randomly drawn commenter. All you have to do is tell us how much JavaScript Rocks (Don’t forget to comment using your real name and email though).

But first let’s take a look at the line up for each of these online events:

Mobile JavaScript Summit 2012

Mobile JavaScript Summit 2012

This event is super close on November 12th from 9AM to 4PM (CT), so get your comments in now to see if you can win one. Or just snag a ticket at!

Mobile Development on a Shoestring Connection
by Jenifer Hanen

Building Mobile First
by Brad Frost

The Minimum Viable Web
by Kristofer Layon

iOS, Client-side Databases & Bananas
by Daniel Pinter

JavaScript and Responsive Web Design
by Rob Tarr

Debugging Mobile Web Applications
by Patrick Mueller

Building Apps with PhoneGap
by Christophe Coenraets

JavaScript Summit 2012

JavaScript Summit 2012

Right after the Mobile JavaScript event is the JavaScript Summit which is November 13 to November 15, 2012 from 9AM to 4PM (CT). You can be picked to win a ticket to this too, or grab a ticket at

DESIGNER TRACK \\ NOV. 13, 2012 \\ 9AM TO 4PM CT

Intro to CoffeeScript
by Brandon Satrom

Templates & the One Page App of the Future
by Garann Means

jQuery Plugin Round Table
by Christopher Schmitt

Maintainable JavaScript
by Nicholas Zakas

Writing Testable JavaScript
by Rebecca Murphey

jQuery Plugin Development Q&A
by Ben Alman

DEV TRACK \\ NOV. 14, 2012 \\ 9AM TO 4PM CT

The State of jQuery
by Adam Sontag

Contextual jQuery: Just In Time & User Actions
by Doug Neiner

Next-Generation JavaScript Developer Workflow
by Addy Osmani

I .promise() to show you .when() to use Deferreds
by Alex McPherson

You Don’t Need a Framework for That
by Estelle Weyl

All About Grunt.js
by Ben Alman

BACKBONE.JS \\ NOV. 15, 2012 \\ 9AM TO 4PM CT

Intro to Backbone.js
by Elijah Manor

Backbone.js Boilerplate
by Tim Branyen

Responsive Backbone
by Mauvis Ledford

Backbonification: Migrating NewsBlur From DOM Spaghetti to Backbone.js
by Samuel Clay

Real World Realtime with Backbone
by Henrik Joreteg

Use “20UMS” and get 20% off both events when you signup!

Leave your comments to be entered to win: All you have to do is tell us how much JavaScript Rocks.


  1. Jimmy King

    JavaScript is pretty much the coolest thing since LiveScript.

  2. win m

    JavaScript rocks alot 😉

  3. Keith Wyland

    If JavaScript was a guitar amp, with one glorious, resounding strum it would melt your face clean off.

  4. Nathaniel Deal

    JavaScript Rocks and I’ll prove in a poem…
    JavaScript Rocks because it makes IE responsive out of the box.
    JavaScript Rocks because its a front-end devs building block.
    JavaScript Rocks with out a doubt because it let’s me bind data with Knockout.
    JavaScript Rocks & Rolls because it let’s me build awesome apps in Node.
    JavaScript rocks .com because of its cross-browser manipulation across the DOM.
    And JavaScript Rocks most of all because its fast, clean and free for all!
    The End…

  5. Robin Smail

    Want to know how much JavaScript Rocks?
    Enough to quite knock off your socks.
    I don’t know a lot,
    but our mobile is hot,
    And our content is nothing to mock!

  6. Bransin Anderson

    Learning A Window
    by a bad javascript poet

    Javascript, javascript…
    How I love you javascript.
    You answer my prayers,
    when dealing with z-index layers.
    Javascript, javascript…
    You give me so much support,
    what do I give you in return?
    Javascript, javascript…

  7. Nathan Morgan

    Javascript is awesome! Javascript is so fun to use, I use Javascript sometimes when writing my development notes.

  8. sean

    tacocat spelled backwords is tacocat

  9. Gene Crawford

    The winner of the passes was Nathaniel Deal! Nice poem man!


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