Web Design Trends 2015 – UMS Reader Thoughts


At the end of December, we rolled out an article on Web Design Trends for 2015. In it, we took a stab at some of our staff’s picks for web design trends for this year, gave you some links to other articles on the subject, and then asked you to respond with your ideas.

Below are a few of those responses. We even have one at the end that sent in their own infographic.

We’ll leave the form up at the end for you to respond if you missed it the first time.

Submitted by: Michael Chamberlin

Twitter: @neuegraphics

1. Pushing the main navigation design to be more direct and functional, attractive, interactive and irresistible.

2. Strategic page animations triggered by scrolling to attract the users attention to important information. Not overdoing the interaction so the user is overwhelmed by too much information at once.

3. Professional photography makes a website. Ever notice how much better a website looks simply by adding better photography.

Submitted by: Connell Hunte

Twitter: @connellhunte

My list are these.

1. Innovative ways to reduce number of pages. Examining a lot of recent redesigns, I’ve observed the number of pages are shrinking. In the USA where most mobile phone data plans are pretty data consumption friendly this may not be an issue. For other economies, I expect developers to pay more attention to reducing the number of page loads. I recently did a project which went from 80 pages to 12. The strategy was scrolling pages, content refocus, and overlays.

2. Rethink of menu organization and focus. Off canvas menus is not the sole answer. Back in the 90’s websites tended to have multitudes of navigation. I think that we will see a resurgence of this trend. The focus will not be menu duplication but rather spreading the menu around, either based on user focus or site focus. This will give rise to what I call a ‘user intelligent menu’ focus.

3. This one may be hotbed: a convergence in the CMS market starting to move more towards Content Management Frameworks instead of CMS. I believe particularly that more companies will start to leverage frameworks using the Content Once Publish Everywhere model or opt to use existing services such as Square space.

(I like this one, since her answers mirror the quick response)

Submitted by: Kim Dorris

1) minimalist/flat/material design
2) performance
3) fast prototyping

Submitted by: Joe Robison

Twitter: @josephrobison

These are some bolder predictions for 2015 but the design team and I think they’re possible:

1. Cinemagraphs – these have been around for awhile, but they might pop in 2015. They’re more interesting than GIFs and harder to make

2. Magical Realism – Magic Leap captured our hearts with the promise of magic again. We predict more magically realistic designs will make their way to the forefront

3. Hand Drawn Illustrations – With illustrations becoming easier and faster to create, we believe the unique authenticity of hand-drawn illustrations will help designs really stand out. Basecamp and A List Apart certainly think so.

My design team and I created this infographic that summarizes these predictions – http://www.coastalrepro.com/design-trends-2015-infographic/ :


Design trends 2015 Infographic

Credit to coastalrepro.com for the infographic above


Your Turn – What Are Your Top Web Design Trends For 2015?


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1 Comment

  1. josephjrobison

    Thanks for the inclusion Aaron – enjoyed reading the other comments such as the importance of fast prototyping and reducing number of page loads. Never thought about the affect of complex sites on data plans in different countries – definitely something to consider if you have an international audience.



  1. Web Design Trends 2015 | Unmatched Style - […] We’ve added a follow up article in which some of our Unmatchedstyle readers put out their pred… […]

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