You may not know this, maybe you already subscribe, but we produce a monthly email newsletter where we send you a “quick dose of inspiration”. We try to fill it with things we’ve done over the month, things we’ve seen that inspire us and interesting links we’ve come across. In a recent Smashing Magazine post they named ours as “a newsletter worth subscribing to”, super thanks for that post! Here’s what they said:
Give yourself “a quick dose of inspiration” once a month. Unmatchedstyle carefully selects creative examples, shares favorites of the month in everything ranging from typefaces to websites, and hooks you up with an extensive and useful collection of links. You’ll see free icon sets, cool font-pairing apps, interviews and more. You’ll soon notice yourself awaiting the newsletter every month, and you won’t be disappointed.
– Full Smashing Magazine Post
Check Out The Archived Editions
If think this is your thing, please go ahead and subscribe using this signup form. We’d love to inspire you next!