Kyle Steed

I’ve followed Kyle Steed’s work online (@kylesteed) for quite a while, if you haven’t heard of him, well you should check out his work. I’d been bugging him for an interview off and on and finally caught up with him and decided to pepper him with questions on how he works and what’s up in his life.

Gene Crawford: Hello everyone. Welcome to another UnmatchedStyle Chat Session. I have Kyle Steed here. Howdy.

Kyle Steed: Hello.

Gene: Hey. So, I’ve been a fan of Kyle’s for a while — of yours, Kyle, for a while, followed you through the Internet and stalked you. Hope that doesn’t creep you out.

Kyle: Oh, boy. [laughter]

Gene: But yeah, I’m glad I got to talk to you for a second, there. So, you are now selling stuff online?

Kyle: Yes. I have been for, jeez, about a year now, I guess.

Gene: So mostly typefaces at this point?


Kyle: I have my icon set, which I came out with first, the Steedicons. Some people say, “Steed Icons,” but when it popped in my head it was just Steedicons. So I don’t know, that’s just, to me, how it flows out of my mouth.

Kyle: But then, I do have my new font Funktion. That’s my second one I’ve put out for the public. My first one was Clumsy, which is still available just as a free download.


Gene: All right.

Kyle: Yeah. And then, I had done a vector font, probably two or three versions of my website ago, just called Steed. It was pretty basic. I was floating around out there somewhere. I’m sure if you Google around you can find it.

Gene: Yeah, I remember that. Well, what makes you want to build a typeface in the first place?

Kyle: I was bored with all my other choices. And, you know, that’s not a slap in the face to anybody, I think. Type designers are very highly respected in my opinion and you know, I love, like, Hoefler and Jones and so many of these great house industries, so many type foundries that make beautiful work. But when it comes to the designing for myself, I never felt one specific typeface could more or less define me and my style and how I wanted to present myself, so I just started drawing. I mean, I didn’t start then, but I’d been drawing so I just thought, “Well, why not just try and make my own?” And through some encouragements from friends, I did it and it was fun. I, by no means, consider myself a type designer. I do lettering, but I don’t have any formal training or education in it. It’s just something that I like to do to express myself another way and have fun.


Gene: Right. That’s interesting that you said that you did that to try and have a typeface that represents you, because it is a hand-drawn feeling typeface, which is what drew me to it.

Kyle: Yeah, thank you.

Gene: So can you talk about that a little bit, like your style? How did you go about developing that specific style that is Kyle Steed? I mean, you have one. Was it just… [crosstalk]

Kyle: I guess so. That’s what people say. [laughs] It’s just kind of what comes out when I put my pen to paper. And it’s just years of drawing and self editing. And I mean, I could show you stacks of journals that it’s just total crap, you know? I mean, you have to fight through the years of just not being happy with anything that you create and coming into a place where you finally start to feel like yourself. And you know, you go through those seasons of copying other people’s work because you like that and you want to try and replicate that. I did that a lot when I started out web design. And then I just got to point where I was just kind of fed up with that and so, yeah, just really trying to find my own handwriting to describe — not describe, but define who I was online and let that present myself. And yeah, now it’s just formed into… it finds its way into any design that I like to do.


Gene: Right. That’s really interesting. So you keep sketchbooks?

Kyle: Oh, yeah. Let me see if I can… I don’t.. We just packed up, so we had our floors redone so they’re all in boxes, but yeah, I have piles of sketchbooks that I just pour through.

Gene: So that’s sort of part of your natural approach, is you go straight to the paper instead of Photoshop?

Kyle: Yeah. There’s a point in my life where I didn’t connect those two — between drawing and computer. And so, I used to just, yeah, go straight to Photoshop or Illustrator. And then one day when it clicked in my brain that I could actually take what I’ve been doodling or drawing or sketching and scan in and have that come out — that was a great day. [laughter]

Kyle: And so I haven’t looked back ever since.

Gene: You have like a moment that you remember?

Kyle: Yeah.


Gene: That’s cool. What did you study? Did you go to college?

Kyle: I have an Associates. I don’t have a Bachelors degree. I consider myself more self taught, just in design and life and stuff, it’s… My approach is that we’re all on a journey and it doesn’t ever start or end with school. And so you can always… I think it’s up to the individual’s drive and passion to learn and grow as a designer, as an individual, in any area of life.

Gene: Absolutely.

Kyle: So I’ve taken, you know, formal Art History, Drawing 1, Design 1, and those classes. And you know, those more or less helped, but yeah, I don’t have a formal degree.

Gene: Right, I was just wondering where the heavy use of the sketchbook comes in. In art school — I went to art school — they really were like, “Just sketch, sketch, sketch,” and you get tired of it. [laughter]

Kyle: I’ve drawn as long as I can remember. And throughout grade school and high school — I just don’t like school that much, so that’s a polite way to put it and so I just always drew in my notebooks. And after high school, I don’t know why, I just started to keep a journal and just wrote a lot. It was mostly writing, just free thought writing and stuff. And then, that would develop into little doodles and sketches. And I would just remember, this was back in 2001 or ’02, looking back at some of that work and saying, “I want to make this into something to how I could make a living.” And I had no idea how to do that at the time, I didn’t even understand design at that point.

I was starting out doing design work then, and that was… Now, almost nine or 10 years later, it’s finally beginning to… I’m taking steps in that direction, so.


Gene: That’s cool. So you’re pretty much a freelancer? You’re self-employed, right?

Kyle: Well, actually, I’m a full-time employee with a company here in Dallas and at the end of the year, I’m making the switch. It’s really exciting. I’ve worked full-time the last four years. I’ve had a full-time job my whole life since I started working, so this will be my first jump into the world of working for myself and I’m really excited about it.

Gene: Awesome. Well, what do you consider yourself more of first? Like a straight-up web designer or more of an artist?

Kyle: An artist. I’ve really gone back to my roots — a lot of illustrating and drawing. And while it’s good, I’m very grateful to have that understanding of web design and how things work and the web. So when I design, I always think about that. It’s hard for me sometimes now to disconnect the two and just design for design’s sake and not worry about the web. I always try and… I don’t know, it’s just the way my brain works, I guess. I just think about them together. But yeah, I’ve just gone back to really an appreciation and my first love of drawing. And so that’s what I’m trying to pursue more full-time.

Gene: That’s awesome. That’s great. Well, you’ve got to have the talent there!

Kyle: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Gene: Well, thank you. I’ve been wanting to get a little background about your approach, and that’s pretty enlightening and hope you continue the awesomeness.

Kyle: Thank you.

About: Kyle Steed

Kyle SteedsKyle Steed (@kylesteed) is a web designer/illustrator who’s work can be seen all over the internet. Through his website you can more directly learn about him and his work. You can also check out his typeface Funktion and icons Steedicons.


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