Talking about the upcoming CSS Summit with Christopher Schmitt (@teleject) got me really excited about learning some new CSS techniques and CSS3 uses.
So to get you more excited too we have 2 tickets to the CSS Summit to give away to our community. Leave a comment to this post about how you’ve used CSS3 for a chance to win a ticket. Share a link if you can too. (spam submissions get deleted, sorry…) We’ll pick and announce the winners July 21st.
A little background: Christopher is the author of several books, including CSS Cookbook and Photoshop in 10 Simple Steps or Less and most importantly he’s the organizer of the CSS Summit.
The CSS Summit returns with great content you can use right now to improve your style sheets and create cutting-edge sites. Whether it’s the implementation of the new techniques available in CSS3, mobile concerns, progressive enhancement or the ever-growing list of available fonts and how to use them.
This is the 2nd Annual Online, Live CSS Conference and it’s on July 28th. There are some really top notch speakers too, here’s the run down:
CSS3 & Progressive Enhancement
by Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis
Optimizing Massive CSS
by Nicole Sullivan
CSS3 & iPhone Development
by Estelle Weyl
CSS3 Animations
by David McFarland
CSS & Web Typography
by Jason Cranford Teague
Effective & Efficient Design with CSS3
by Zoe Gillenwater
CSS with SASS, SCSS & Compass
by Chris Eppstein
Advanced CSS Troubleshooting
by Denise Jacobs
The thing that I like about this CSS Summit is the curated feel to it, Christopher really loves CSS and it shows when you listen to him talk about it. These sessions are all hand picked and arranged based on things that are really relevant and forward thinking.
We also talked about the upcoming iPhone iPad Summit, which looks just as jam packed with great speakers and topics.
So check this conference out, don’t forget to leave your comment and let us know how you’ve recently used CSS3 to win a free ticket.
Contest update, we’ve selected the winners. We put the comments in order from 1 – 14, first posted to last and randomly selected a number from our handy random number selection iPhone app. The winning comments were as follows: Bermon Painter ( and Jay ( If you guys would email us at we’ll send you the code to claim your free pass to CSS Summit. Thanks for playing!
I’ve been slowly but surely modifying my workflow to adapt to Andy Clarke’s “Designing in the Browser” method. All the new CSS3 selectors have been instrumental in helping me create layouts and behaviours that closely mimic (or exactly replicate) the finished product.
Regarding the CSS3 Summit, I’d like to say that Christopher’s past Summits have been very well organized and extremely educational. If anyone is on the fence about attending, get off it now and buy a ticket. You won’t regret it.
That being said, I’d love a free ticket to the upcoming Summit. π
Working for an ad agency, most of the work usually consists of a lot of bells, whistles and fanciness. With CSS3, I can provide that fanciness to our web clients with tastefulness and usability in mind of course. It’s great not having to using graphics for every special effect.
I attend the first CSS Summit last year and it was amazing. All of the summits e4h has have helped me a great deal with my projects.
It would be awesome if I can attend this year’s CSS Summit.
Hey, Working on a great big corporate site, I haven’t yet found a way to incorporate the new CSS into my sites. But that’s totally why I need to come to the conference! I want to see what folks are doing with the new selectors and how the new rules will help keep our code semantic.
I’m also interested in the debate about css prefixes– should we encourage proprietary prefixes to get some form of version control, or discourage them because it takes away from the point of Standardizing??
Oh wow…this looks like an awesome conference.
Looks exciting, and a nice lineup of speakers!
Most recently, I have used CSS3 to replace all the text-as-graphics (buttons, etc.) during a major overhaul to a five year old project. I also had some fun with javascript + transform:rotate to confuse the app dev team on the login page.
I’m on going to re-design my current site with CSS3 and it’s awsome.
I can work faster and it’s more easier for me, not to many slice anymore….yiiihhaaaaaaa π
Just used a bunch of HTML5 and css3 on a recent project for a national Hair Design Academy. Was so refreshing to use FRESH code!!!
I hope I win a ticket looks like a great!
The CSS3 is awesome because it has allowed me not to rely on Photoshop to get some things done. Now I can add custom fonts to my websites, have rounded corners, gradients, shadows, text shadows… It is just sweet. π
Right now it’s also helping me with my iPad web app development β the @media queries are just awesome when you are dealing with flexible layouts and orientation changes. π
Would love to attend as a fellow css nerd! Getting excited about css3 is just not something my friends can understand!
CSS3 Cookbook by Christopher Schmitt helped me a lot !
Definitely going to try and attend this. Looks promising!
I have been using the CSS3 dropshadows, rounded corners, and alpha effects. I try to limit my use of CSS3 to details that would not matter if they didn’t work on browsers that do not support CSS3 (who cares if they don’t see a rounded button vs. squared off button)
I would absolutely love to go to this conference so I can find more ways to integrate CSS3 into my websites.
Contest update: We’ve selected the two winners. Read the update in the post above to see who won. You guys can email us for the pass code!