CSSOff Update


What’s Happening Now

First things first; CSSOff is not dead. We are working on the final grading of entries now and hopefully we can get it done by the end of October. So that’s good news!

We apologize for things taking so long and our lack of feedback. We’ve been struggling to get it done but we will always honor our promises and we will get this done as soon as we can.

CSSOff completeness meter


It’s been a long haul on this edition of CSSOff. Things started off pretty well. We had over 8,000 participants of varying levels with the contest and after about 4 months we were down to about 200 serious finalists. Then the server was hacked and someone destroyed everything on the account where we were doing the judging. It’s a long story, one i’ll be happy to share over a beer with any of you one day! We’ve recovered and thanks to half decent backups were able to start the judging process over. Yep, we had to start over and well, here we are again. This on top of judging being a fairly tedious process to start with had our backs against the wall for a while. We should have been more open along the way and for that we sincerely apologize. We’re now back to about 200 finalists and should be wrapping this contest up soon.

We will update the prizes so they are time-relevant again and ensure everyone who wins receives what they deserve.

Going Forward

We do apologize for what I’m sure feels like a lack of feedback about the contest. We’ve honestly been overwhelmed with the work this time around. We’ll keep a more open line of communication about progress as we wrap it all up so you can follow along and we can crown a winner of this iteration of CSSOff.

If you want to ask a specific question or need anything please email us at info@unmatchedstyle.com

Thank you!


  1. thevasya

    Thanks for the update! On that scale the judging seems to be a lot more challenging than the contest itself.

  2. Binyamin

    Thanks for sharing the delay reason! Are results expected in Jan, 2015?

  3. ruby lily

    nearly four months with no update doesn’t seem to qualify as “a more open line of communication about progress”

  4. ruby lily


  5. Anastasia

    I don’t want to sound annoying or make you feel like we don’t appreciate your huge effort in checking all 8,000 applications, but it’s already July of 2015 and there is still no results… Can we expect them maybe in this October?

    Thank you!

  6. Binyamin

    I don’t think there ever’ll be results for CSSOff 2013 contest and availability to receive its promised prizes – most of prizes are no more actual.


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