CSSOff Update #5


Welcome to update #5!

This is a really short update but an important one! We’ve just now completed all the overall reviews for every single entry. Holy moly that was a ton of work – it totally took us by surprise how difficult it was going to be to review each entry against all the criteria we set out. That’s not a complaint, truly, every second of the scoring has been a blast.

So what’s next? Right now all the entries are being reviewed for final scoring – we will have winners to announce very soon. We’re working super hard to get the final scores done as soon as we can!

T-Shirt Orders

T-Shirts have started going out, we’ve shipped almost all orders, overseas orders are the only ones we have left and those are being shipped this week. So if you ordered your shirt and haven’t gotten it yet, keep your eyes open they’re on the way!


  1. Timothy

    Sweet. Thanks for all of your hard work, can’t wait to see the results!

  2. Luiz

    Great Work guys, congratulations. I´ll be waiting the final result.

  3. Andrew Heins

    Thanks to all the judges for donating their time and to UMS for facilitating this whole thing. Looking forward to seeing the results.

  4. Tyler Cipriani

    Awesome! Thanks for all of the hard work – what a huge task, and a huge favor for the web design community. Thanks again, for all you do for our little community!

  5. Foxu

    I’m getting really nervous about the results! I can’t wait to see them x3

    Thank you so much for all the hard work!!

  6. Andrea Verlicchi

    Congrats! Good work… We can’t wait to have the final ranking. 🙂

  7. Al McRorie

    looking forward to the results, no illusions here though about being in the top percentages, good learning exercise for me and never did figure out how to show the data entry dropdowns correctly


  8. Carlos

    Can’t wait so see who one!!! : )

  9. Brett DeWoody

    Thanks for the hard work Unmatched Style!!

  10. Luke

    Cannot wait for the results, thanks!

  11. Nomaan Maniar

    Very good, desperately waiting for the results…. Good work, keep it up…

  12. Jamy Golden

    The anticipation is killing me.

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  13. Marco

    Wish I had participated. Will you guys do this next year?

  14. Shajith

    Looks like postponing the result announcement day by day, all are awaiting final scores…

  15. Shajith

    Looks like result is postponing day by day…. suppose to announce result mid of january, 2012… now again feb 2012 now…

  16. Shajith

    When result will be published?

  17. Jonas K

    Wish i had more time…my entry could be better.
    Looking forward to see the results.



  1. Judging for CSSOff 2011 continues to continue | Winnermint - [...] cats! Nearly three months after all entries were due, the Unmatched Style CSSOff team has finished evaluating every single…

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