CSS Summit 2012

We’re giving away 2 tickets to this badboy too, instructions are simple and it’s easy enough to win. Read through the post to find out how to enter.

It’s that time of year once again loyal readers of UnmatchedStyle where we talk to Christopher Schmitt about one of his most anticipated online conferences the 2012 CSS Summit. It takes place July 31-August 2, 2012 from 9AM to 4PM (CT). These events always bring the top talent in their related subjects and it’s one of the best places to spend your money to get this information from if you can’t find the reason to travel to a live conference. I’m most excited about the 3rd day all about pre-processors like SASS, Compass and CoffeeScript. But seriously just take a look at this lineup across all 3 days:

CSS Summit 2012

CSS3 TRAINING \\ JULY 31, 2012

Web Typography – Trent Walton
CSS3 Selectors – Rachel Andrew
CSS3 & Media Queries – Chris Mills
CSS3 & Transforms – Tiffany Brown
CSS3 Transitions & Animations – Estelle Weyl
CSS3 Polyfills – Jason Johnston


Scalable & Modular Architecture for CSS – Jonathan Snook
Essential Tools for UI Performance – Nicole Sullivan
Fluid Media in Responsive Web Design – Dave Rupert
Future of CSS – Tab Atkins
What You Don’t Know – Chris Coyier


State of Sass – Nathan Weizenbaum
State of Compass – Scott Davis
CoffeeScript, Linguistics and Cockney Rhyming Slang – Brandon Satrom
My Stylesheets are a Mess! – Chris Eppstein
Sass Workflow – Jeff Croft
Style Guide-driven UI Design with Sass – Jina Bolton


It’s easy, leave a comment about how any of the subjects covered at the CSS Summit excite you or how bad you need to dig into it then we’ll pick 2 winners randomly from the comments.

Also, here’s a discount code – 20UMS — which is good for 20% off any ticket type(s).

Winners announced: Brenna O’Brien & Evan Mullins have been randomly chosen from all you commenters. Congrats guys!


  1. Sean

    Day two as a whole is what I would be excited to see. And Trent is always fun to listen to.

  2. Gabriela Lorenz

    I’m from Argentina, and I’m really interested in the topic Fluid Media in Responsive Web Design because I think is a great way to design web interfaces ! I want to learn more!

  3. Niall Thompson

    Brilliant line-up. I’m excited to learn more about SMACSS from @snooka and to hear from the genius that is Chris Coyier.

  4. Geoff

    I am most excited about PREPROCESSORS! I have not made the move yet and would really like to see more information and demos.

  5. Sarah C

    I’m would love to see the Web Typography training because that’s something I’m always struggling with in my web designs. I would love to learn more about Sass and Coffeescript!

  6. Evan Mullins

    Oh man! I think all of these topics excite me! I’m really liking SMACSS and the principles of simplicity it’s bringing to my process. CSS3 is awesome by nature. I’m interested to be ‘sold’ on preprocessors too, I’m still holding out for hand-crafted CSS since preprocessors don’t fit well into my current workflow, but I’m still interested to see where it goes.

  7. Sarah


  8. Keith Wyland

    I would definitely be excited to see Jonathan Snook’s presentation on SMACSS! I’ve been learning some concepts around the idea of modules or objects in css. And, having no experience with preprocessors, those presentations would probably be a good kick in the butt to start trying one out. Honestly I would be excited to see any and all of these! Thanks for the opportunity UMS!

  9. Oscar Pagani

    All the speakers are terrific. The best in the CSS world. My favorite speakers are Nicole Sullivan, Estelle, and Snook. I am very interested about performance, responsive web design, and CSS preprocessors – Sass and compass.

  10. David Leininger

    Day 2 seems right up my alley, and it’s got a dream team of speakers. Chris and Dave together sounds amazing! I’m definitely interested in Day 1 as well. It sounds awesome.

  11. tlattimore

    Woh! This is a stacked line up for the conference. I am super excited about CSS3 Transitions & Animations. And also essentials of UI Performance, Nicole Sullivan is awesome.

  12. Nathaniel Deal

    Wow this is a fun-filled line-up, and I’m super excited about the whole thing! I’m especially ecstatic about “Fluid Media in Responsive Web Design” with Dave Rupert because he’s super smart and funny. Also “My Stylesheets are a Mess!” with Chris Eppstein because the dude is a beast and we always run into this issue in team development projects.

    Thanks guys, keep up the good work!

  13. Tessa Harmon

    I NEED to know about fluid media in RWD implementation. Super excited to learn all of it, though, as I’m transitioning back into a development career.

  14. Summer Plum

    Wow. Just getting back into web design after years out of the industry, this looks amazing. This would be a great way to Kickstart my knowledge base!

  15. Cat


  16. wiinci

    SMACSS and RWD are the topics that interest me the most. But the real kick would be to be able to see the great Trent Walton in person. Hook me up!

  17. brenna

    Lots of great topics but I’m most excited to hear Gina Bolton’s take on style guides! They seem to be a key piece of the puzzle when adapting workflow for responsive design.

  18. Jeni

    CSS rocks! As a relative newbie to web design but not to design in general, I’m sometimes a bit overwhelmed by the options available to make something happen in the manner I envision! You know, as opposed to having only Letraset to make those spiffy headlines letter by letter to have that little “edge” to your design. Or only using a ruling pen to draw a straight line with India ink.
    Appreciate the opportunity to be able to “travel” via my laptop to learn from those who know. Still might check into a hotel with free wi-fi to be undisturbed while being fed CSS nutrition. Great-looking lineup!

  19. Sharon Gideon

    What can I say – I’m really excited to take part in this summit with so many industry leaders – thanks for putting it together!!

  20. Paul

    I already purchased my 3 day ticket, this is going to be epic! would have liked to use the coupon though 🙁

  21. Chris K

    Looking forward to it. I’m really itching to learn more about using SASS and Compass more efficiently.

  22. Denise

    This conference looks so good. Would like to see talks on SMACSS with Jonathon Snook, My Stylesheets are a Mess! with Chris Eppstein, and everything on Sass and Compass. There are so many good topics and speakers. All 3 days look fab. Fingers crossed.

  23. Andy

    CSS simply ROCKS! Since I was introduced to it way back in 2000 I have been clamoring for it’s use in all of the companies I have done projects for, the browser wars may have stunted its growth way back.. BUT NOW!! All the topics in the summit is simply drool worthy for a code addict like me.

  24. Gene Crawford

    Winners announced: Brenna O’Brien & Evan Mullins have been randomly chosen from all you commenters. Congrats guys!


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