Really great design for They Might Be Giants from Jason Santa Maria. I really love the down to earth feel of this design, it’s so simple and clean and fun at the same time without being overly so in any one of those adjectives. I also really like the “latest news” or blog that’s at the core of the page, it let’s the band get their true identity out with their posts and shared links, etc. All the sub pages get sort of monotonous since they are all exactly the same, that’s sort of a let down from such a great band and designer, of course I don’t have the full story on the process behind this site so I’m speaking out of turn on that, it’s just my experience though. Overall this is a lovely site and full of good design to enjoy.
How to use Font Awesome, The Easy Way
Really quick tutorial and code snippets on using Font Awesome on a web page.
Great review! Did you see the sprite use for this site? Crazy…
I missed the sprite, that’s really interesting to see too.