I’m really not sure if this is a small company or just one guy, Jaco Joubert. Everything is “we” this and “we” that, but then at the top it says “The design studio of Jaco Joubert.” So maybe this will be sort of a backhanded compliment by saying it doesn’t come off as a small studio. This has the feel of a slick design firm. I like the minimalism and the white space, this site is very well put together. I would like to see links to sites in his portfolio, though. It always confuses me when people fail to provide links to their work.
He/they really might want to think about chaning “Impliment” to “Implement”.
Heh, I missed that. The icon also makes it seem less like part of his process and more like something to bludgeon someone with.
Fixed the spelling mistake. Also made it a bit more clear that it is not just me. I will add links to the portfolio as well.