Well, well, well: looks like the BBC Radio site’s just launched a fine-lookin’ responsive site. bbc.co.uk/radio/ /via @paulrobertlloyd
— Responsive Design (@RWD) October 8, 2012
While this isn’t a typical “website” it’s still worthy of checking out. The design differences in the screen size target designs are striking. It’s also super duper fast to load, something i’m sure they tweaked and tweaked. Looks dang awesome too.
When I resize my browser window I’m getting a sidescroll, and the menu doesn’t seem to be responsive at all.
The footer isn’t responsive either actually. The main navigation and footer are probably common elements across the whole site, seems silly to use them if they’re unresponsive, they could have easily re-developed them to be responsive.
Hey Dave, you should try to go to it on an iPhone or another device. It works pretty well there.
Yeah, it does look great on iPhone but that’s weird that they’ve gone the device detection route, why not just make it truly responsive so that it works on everything? If I had designed something that beautiful, I’d be as mad as hell with the dev.