In this episode of BizCraft we have a special guest; Jason Fried of 37signals – we discuss their new book “Remote” as well as his approach to work, life and being a leader.
In this episode of BizCraft we discuss how you must deflect negative energy to stay sane, how finding a mentor or a personal coach is a good thing and quickly cover 37signals new book about remote working.
In this episode of BizCraft we discuss some client management tips, good ways to say no (or bad ways) plus working with an SEO or online strategist on your team.
Design Quips is a growing vault of quotable statistics that examines the web from both statistical and human perspectives. Take a quick tour of the why and what’s behind it.
In this episode of BizCraft we talked about hitting the reset button in your business, recap of ConvergeFL and removing management from your company and what that means.
In this episode of BizCraft we discuss some things that came up from Carl’s recent nGen Works retreat, how you bill for weeks vs. hours and also how we talk about RWD to our clients.
In this episode of BizCraft we discuss working as a distributed team, what can work and what doesn’t, as well as some other stuff that’s happened to us over the years.