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You may purchase advertising on unmatchedstyle right away by going to our advertising provider network Carbon, unmatchedstyle is in the design circle on Carbon.

We are in the market to add some sponsors for our podcast and roadshows. If this is something you’re interested in please contact us. I know we can work something out.

Of course you can always just contact us if you have an idea on how we can help promote your business or products. We’d love to talk with you about any ideas you may have!


News & Articles

A to Z CSS: Hover

Hover is a pseudo class and can be used to style state. The hover state is active when a users mouse enters the bounding box of an element and is inactive when the users mouse leaves it. In this episode, we’ll look at the :hover pseudo class on text links and create a CSS dropdown menu triggered by hover and enhanced with jQuery for touch devices.

CSSOff Update

Update on CSSOff progress and some explanation on its status.

James White @signalnoise Interview – Ep.83

UMS Video Podcast: Gene talks with James White about what it takes to be a professional illustrator and that path he’s taken in his career. Also, there’s talk about wrestling.