Jan_24 Vol_01.4

.bh__table, .bh__table_header, .bh__table_cell { border: 1px solid #C0C0C0; }
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Website of the week:

Good Reads @ These Links:

The Perfect Webpage
How the internet reshaped itself around Google’s search algorithms — and into a world where websites look the same.

Responsive SVGs
Stretch your knowledge of working with SVGs for scalable, responsive experiences.

The Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design

About subgrid and colored grid lines

Grids and key shapes
Embracing order, one pixel at a time

Designing better target sizes
An interactive guide that is all about enhancing the target size area with CSS.

Some Favorite Things:

Codepen Fav:

IG Inspiration:

Instagram post by @frontendjoe

Instagram post by @designershumor


News & Articles

Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Discover how users visually process websites, the role of scanning patterns, content placement, and “the fold” Learn to design engaging pages with fast-to-consume content that aligns with user behavior.