Stripe Connect

So… I’ve been sitting here for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out how random or not the paths of the meteors are that get pulled into the Stripe Connect orbit, and out.. and figured I should start typing before tomorrow comes… Then I used the “Inspect Element” to see what was going on with the “dots” that frame the animation.. and another 20 minutes passed…

But Stripe’s Connect landing page is pretty cool (and sticky if you have ADD apparently)… It’s simple, with just enough little hints of functionality that add to the page, without detracting from the message (except for that meteor thing above… however, I get the point A – through Connect – to point B analogy, which is good subliminal marketing).


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Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Discover how users visually process websites, the role of scanning patterns, content placement, and “the fold” Learn to design engaging pages with fast-to-consume content that aligns with user behavior.