Radar #132


Each week, we do a round up of curated “stuff from the interwebs” that we call Radar.

In this week’s 132nd Radar:

20 Typography Trends to Pay Attention to in 2016
Thanks to the omnipresence of digital devices, everyone is becoming aware of the importance of digital typography. This rising interest in typography is by no means a bad thing, and it makes 2016 a great time to step back and survey the typography world to see what is on the horizon, gaining inspiration and insight from this changing landscape. This list of twenty typography trends should provide an excellent starting point.

Accelerated Mobile Pages
Over the last few years there’s been a lot of talk among web professionals about the different techniques available to create beautiful web sites. The parallel conversation concerning generating revenue has in the main been absent.

On 7th October 2015 Google attempted to rectify this in their introductory blog post relating to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). They state “Every time a web page takes too long to load, they lose a reader—and the opportunity to earn revenue through advertising or subscriptions.”

Using Modern CSS to Build a Responsive Image Grid

Building custom responsive layouts is always exciting. This article examines a technique that we can use to take full control of the distance between grid columns. To demonstrate this, I’ll use the example of a responsive image gallery.

Draplin Design Co – Pretty Much Everything Book
Aaron Draplin – Pretty Much Everything is a mid-career survey of work, case studies, inspiration, road stories, lists, maps, how-tos, and advice.

Coding on an iPad
I wanted to see if I could make my iPad Mini into a reasonable coding environment for an upcoming road trip. Most of the posts I found about iPad coding were from 2010–2012, and described a set of development apps that were nearly all now unsupported or in two-star rating territory. After much experimentation, it turns out a few newer apps make the iPad into a pretty good development setup, even for something like Go where I expected support to be the worst. You still need a remote shell for building and testing, since iOS forbids compilers, but even that is a fairly reasonable step at this point.

Website Layout Tools Compared: Flexbox Vs. Susy
Flexbox has become one of the most popular tools for creating website layouts. Susy is another layout tool that has gained popularity with the Sass community over the last few years.

Animating Clipped Elements In SVG
Scalable Vector Graphics (or SVG) lend developers an incredible ability to display crisp, beautiful graphics at any size or resolution. SVG can also be animated using various techniques. In combination with clipping paths, interesting effects can be achieved.

Are You Ready to Give Your Customers an Omni-Channel Experience?
Five questions to answer when building your omni-channel customer experience.

A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox

Responsive Design: 6 Bootstrap Alternatives
As a responsive designer, you may want to consider viable alternatives to Bootstrap, but also avoid the “flavor-of-the-day” grid systems that come and go. These top frontend frameworks will allow you to build sites faster, and reap the benefits of responsive layouts, pre-defined styles and reusable components. So, which framework is best for you?

If you want to add something to next week’s Radar – submit it here.

Here’s the link to this week’s batch of goodness: Radar #132.


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Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Discover how users visually process websites, the role of scanning patterns, content placement, and “the fold” Learn to design engaging pages with fast-to-consume content that aligns with user behavior.