

Penshoppe is a youth-centered casual clothing company based in the Philippines (with over 300 stores, including at least one in China). The company is just over twenty years old and being founded by a young CEO (per their Profile page), they have their priorities in order. It seems that most of the company sites you see today are well-styled and, to say the least, hip and trendy. They’re with the times on this one.

There’s a lot to love about this site, but my favorite parts have to be the color scheme and the products section. Some of the other cool features on are the video and photo galleries for their products, including their use of SlideShow Pro, and their Flash intro video on the homepage. The graphics in the Flash video are just stupendously done, and even though the models look like plastic, the artwork is just amazing and adds to the site’s (and company’s) image. The site is well put together and the bright color scheme really pops, adding to the youthfulness of the company.

The products section is put together nicely and their use of images, videos, and more make the site even more visually compelling. It’s not your ordinary clothing company site, and with that it mind, it’s interesting that they do not have an online shop set up. Perhaps they are planning to do this in the near future, and I don’t see why not. I mean, ff their site is this good, the clothing has to be just as good, right?

For an amazing color scheme, great use of media to present the company’s products, and some sweet artwork to compliment the goods, Penshoppe is unmatched.


  1. marie

    i really really love penshoppe! uh, can’t live without it! they have unique graphic tees which suits my taste (don’t know about yours ;p)

  2. ric

    Penshoppe sucks!!!
    Why cant we shop on line.
    With all the advance technology.. why cant we purchase penshoppe shirts thru on line ??? I live abroad..

  3. pahboohchak

    no paperbags and no loyalty card.. haha!! i love it still.. i buy an item every week!

  4. JJ

    wher can u buy it online?

  5. ray

    i hope they will put a store here in Dubai..
    if ever that would be great!! their style is better than Bench.. no offense.. =P

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