Radar #136


Each week, we do a round up of curated “stuff from the interwebs” that we call Radar.

In this week’s 136th Radar:

The Industrialisation of Design (or why Silicon Valley no longer needs UX designers)
Despite having their roots in Silicon Valley, UX designers are a rare breed inside traditional tech companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. In some cases they are so rare that other designers claim UX design doesn’t even exist. As a result I thought it would be interesting to explore where this attitude has come from, […]

BizCraft Episode 60: Remembering why you started
In this Episode of BizCraft we remember why we even started doing what we do and talked about some life goals and career goals.

Mobile Websites: Mobile-Dedicated, Responsive, Adaptive, or Desktop Site?
Different approaches to implementing mobile websites have each their advantages and disadvantages. The same mobile user-experience principles apply independent of implementation.

ConvergeSE – Meet Some Headliner Speakers
We thought you’d like to see a few of the top-notch headliner speakers we’re lining up for you this year; Jenn Bane of Cards Against Humanity, Mat Marquis from Bocoup, Carl Smith form the Bureau of Digital and Rachel Smith from CodePen. They would really like to see you at Converge this year too!

An Open Letter to Newbie Designers
You know how design articles tell you that design critiques are great, and that you should appreciate them because they make you a better designer? And that you shouldn’t take feedback personally, because people are critiquing your design, not you? What people fail to mention is that early in your career, all of those pieces […]

Re-thinking reading on the Web
What we learned working with The Atlantic – Over the last six months we’ve been collaborating with The Atlantic to bring three interactive articles to life. It was an amazing opportunity to work side-by-side with a talented, multidisciplinary and relentless publication team. We learned a lot. We set out to create an immersive, yet thoughtful […]

SamsaraJS is a library for animating layout. It provides a language for positioning, orienting and sizing DOM elements and coordinating the animation of these properties over time.

CSS3 Animated Backgrounds – Infinite Scrolling Background
CSS3 massively expanded the possibilities of what can be achieved with just CSS. One of the big additions was the ability to create pure CSS animations. This post will demonstrate how you can create a CSS3 animated background that constantly scrolls horizontally.

Fact or Opinion? Perfecting UX
Focus on UX, amazingly, can still get sidelined on a project where tastes and opinions dominate. Short of attempting the impossible and appealing to everyone, satisfying project managers (or even the designers themselves) rules decision-making. As an afterthought, UX gets reduced to making sure the end product works, and leaves it at that. So how […]

Minimize SVG files
SVG Optimizer is a Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files. SVGO does all sort of optimization and minifying magic to SVG files.

If you want to add something to next week’s Radar – submit it here.

Here’s the link to this week’s batch of goodness: Radar #136.


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Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Discover how users visually process websites, the role of scanning patterns, content placement, and “the fold” Learn to design engaging pages with fast-to-consume content that aligns with user behavior.