Radar 124


Each week, we do a round up of curated “stuff from the interwebs” that we call Radar.

In this week’s 124th Radar:

The Value of a Digital Project Manager
A 2015 DPM Summit Recap

The Life of ¶: The History of the Paragraph
How can we build a better web experience? By unboxing the fascinating history of the paragraph, and figuring out how to best apply it in our interactive work today.

Prototyping isn’t about hitting home runs
Is prototyping a part of your everyday workflow yet? Most designers still see prototyping as something you do once an idea has been explored and resolved, and only then if you have time. Many also consider prototyping as a further step to add even more fidelity to a design to take highly crafted interface components […]

The Age of Information Architecture
After two decades, I realize this art of reframing lies at the heart of information architecture. Before we get the design right, we must get the right design, and that requires the practice of perspective. Of course, our practice is more ancient than the polar bear book, and nobody knows its age. Information architecture is […]

The Fall and Rise of SVG
What made SVG so cool? It could almost be considered “PostScript for the Web,” so it certainly made sense for Adobe to sponsor and support it in its infancy: with SVG (as with PostScript), art was primarily described via vectors, a method far more efficient (and more naturally “scalable”) than using raster images.

Multi-Level Accordion Menu
A simple CSS accordion menu with support for sub level items.

How to use Chrome DevTools like a Pro
As the name implies Chrome Developer Tools is a tool that allows web developers to interfere and manipulate applications via the browser. With this tool you can: Manage interface problems / Debug Javascript Code with using breakpoints / optimize your code

Laying Out A Flexible Future For Web Design With Flexbox
CSS floats and clears define web layout today. Based on principles derived from centuries of print design, they’ve worked well enough — even if, strictly speaking, floats weren’t meant for that purpose. Neither were tables, but that didn’t stop us in the 1990s.

Using Responsive Images (Now)
Ever since Ethan Marcotte started talking about responsive web design in 2010, developers and designers have been scrambling to find ways to deal with the issue of responsive images. It’s a thorny problem because we’re serving the same website, with the same image sources, across a wide range of device widths. Do you want a […]

Things I’ve Learned About Building & Coding HTML Email Templates
I previously published “Things I’ve learned about sending email”. A lot of people seemed to like the post and thought it was a great intro to sending email or quick cheat sheet. Some people followed up with me and wanted to know more about the building and testing process when it comes to HTML email. […]

If you like it and want to receive it in that inbox thing (and you’ll get it sooner than anyone else) – then you can sign up at the top of the Radar page.

If you want to add something to next week’s Radar – submit it here.

Here’s the link to this week’s batch of goodness: Radar #124.


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Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Website Scanning Patterns for Maximum Engagement

Discover how users visually process websites, the role of scanning patterns, content placement, and “the fold” Learn to design engaging pages with fast-to-consume content that aligns with user behavior.