My wife and I love travel, and were remembering back to living in Australia and traveling to Bali (pre-kids). So I’m always interested in traveling blogs, and just caught Cookiesound this morning. Looks like a mother and daughter (Ulli and Nisa), from outside of Vienna who’ve been at this, (the daughter) for literally a lifetime.
It’s a good travel / photography site, with a light canvas that all the photos and copy sit upon. Good idea with the off-screen navigation, so that nav doesn’t detract from the images or storytelling. Fun way to make a living – and fun site!
It also looks like Nisa and the web designer, Ines Gamler (@ppd) have collaborated a couple of years ago for another travel / photo blog that has more freelance writers at Lets Travel Somewhere, which in itself is also vibrant and a cool travel site.