Beyond Mobile: Where No Geek Has Gone Before – by Josh Clark @ Beyond the Desktop Conference

Josh Clark – Beyond Mobile: Where No Geek Has Gone Before – BDConf, October 2013 from BDConf on Vimeo.

Everyday technology is hurtling into the realm of science fiction, even magic, with new devices that are as surprising and delightful as they are useful. Developers and designers are running hard to keep up with this warp-speed pace of tech innovation, and for now, mobile devices are at the forefront. But what’s next? Trends are emerging at the hazy edges of the tech universe that hint at the future of computer interfaces, including computers without interfaces at all.

Designer Josh Clark, author of “Tapworthy,” takes you on an expedition of this final frontier. Learn how smartphones and other sensor-rich devices have changed how we interact with media, with content, and with one another. And discover how we can push the limits of interface design by designing for sensors, not just for screens. Along the way, you’ll see how games lead the fleet, how robots can help us build our software, and why post-PC computing is about far more than phones and tablets. Finally, understand how a smart approach to technology choices now will better prepare you for the future, to boldly go where no geek has gone before.

Presented by Josh Clark at the October 2013 Beyond the Desktop Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. where he will be speaking again on November 03 – 05, 2014 in Orlando Florida.

See How “Beyond Mobile: Where No Geek Has Gone Before” is Translated into Real Work

Josh takes his philosophy on thinking beyond mobile (sensors, social, ecosystems, cloud, and inputs) seriously – and spent some good time translating it into real work with Entertainment Weekly’s responsive site this past year. Here is the official blog post of how he, along with other BDConf Orlando 2014 speakers (Brad Frost, Jonathan Stark, and others) did “Making of: Entertainment Weekly’s Responsive Mobile Site”

The Slide Deck – “Beyond Mobile: Where No Geek Has Gone Before”


Beyond Mobile: Where No Geek Has Gone Before josh clark

Download the slide deck HERE

Here is Luke Wroblewski’s excellent notes on this very talk.

About Josh Clark

Josh Clark is a designer specializing in multi-device design, strategy, and user experience. He’s author of “Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps” (O’Reilly, 2010) and “Best iPhone Apps” (O’Reilly, 2009). Josh’s agency Global Moxie offers design services, strategic consulting, and training to help creative organizations build tapworthy apps and responsive websites. His clients include AOL, Time Inc, eBay, and many others.

Before the internet swallowed him up, Josh was a management consultant at Monitor Group in Cambridge, Mass, and before that, a producer of national PBS programs at Boston’s WGBH. He shared his three words of Russian with Mikhail Gorbachev, strolled the ranch with Nancy Reagan, hobnobbed with Rockefellers, and wrote trivia questions for a primetime game show. In 1996, he created the uberpopular “Couch-to-5K” (C25K) running program, which has helped millions of skeptical would-be exercisers take up jogging. (His motto is the same for fitness as it is for software user experience: no pain, no pain.)

Twitter Handle: @globalmoxie

bdorlando2014Josh is speaking at BDConf in Orlando, November 3-4, 2014. For a unique look at the future of mobile design, with great speakers, great content, and a great time!


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